Henrique Bueno sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:
Dear Gates, or whoever it is that is reading this,
My name is Henrique Bueno and I live in Brazil. A few months ago I bough a Microsoft WiFi mouse. The quality of the mouse is really good, it worth the stab that I took for it in Brazil.
But my complain is about it's receptor. Unfortunatly, my notebook was stolen last week and the receptor was in it. Then I found out that, besides my notebook's loss, I can throw my mouse away as well, since the receptor is unique for each on of them.
I know that this is not a lack of technology, because the Logitech's mouse, that is half of the Microsoft's price, already has a universal receptor.
I really like Microsoft's product, but I don't think that the greed in a simple mouse receptor worths any client.
Thank you,