@BillGatelll2 – William Henry Gates – Hello Mister Gates , My name is Sagar B Pulickan. I'm a 19 year old student

Sagar Pulickan sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:

Hello Mister Gates ,

My name is Sagar B Pulickan. I'm a 19 year old student of Sharda University , Greater Noida , India. My family is settled in Qatar.

The reason I am writing this letter is because my family is going through a tough time. Ever since the trade relations between Qatar and the other GCC countries have become tense , small businesses have suffered a lot , including that of my father's.

My sister is studying ACCA and wants to go to abroad for her higher studies. She has done a lot of research but sadly , we do not have the funds to send her there. She is a bright student and she has a lot of potential , but it is being wasted here as she goes to work at 7 AM and comes back at 6 PM. She is miserable and I can see the change in her personality and she wastes away here , knowing her dreams could have been a reality only if we had a stronger financial backing.

I know our situation is not as crucial as many others who need your financial assistance , especially now with the crisis in Sudan and many many other calamities. But still I have written this letter to you to ask for assistance. I just really want my sister to get the education she deserves.

This might sound like a typical scam mail , and I do not know how to prove to you that it is not. So it is very understandable that a busy man like yourself may not have time to respond and donate. But I had to try for my sister. Because I believe that she deserves the best.

I have also sent an email to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation regarding this. It is unreasonable to ask for financial help , because you hardly know me. And there may be millions of people trying to reach out to you. But if you do decide to donate , however small an amount , even a dollar , I hope you realize that it was a dollar that our family did not have before you decided to donate.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Thank you for everything you have done for the world. We appreciate you Mister Gates. God bless you and your family.

With Love and Respect ,
Sagar B Pulickan

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