@BillGatelll2 – William Henry Gates – Hello My name is Marvin , i live in France , i have 27 year old. I

marvin b sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:


My name is Marvin , i live in France , i have 27 year old.
I have so many project for the futur of the world , but with the actual political in my contry , it is so hard to raise themselves socially , poor stay poor , and rich stay rich.
My projects are not doable in France ( i think personally this contry , and all contry of Europe are lost , just question time...) , i want to migrate to Canada or to the United States , to inove and live my dream.

You can help me , i know almost no chance , just a little maybe.. and if you do this , if a day i become glorious i asking Bill Gates personaly help me to do what you can see.
You can do this by sending to me some euros in my account , i will change them do dollar later when i leave my contry
my bank account is FR76 1551 9390 7900 0204 3160 157 , bank credit mutuel in France , name Marvin Berment.

I will be completely grateful to you if you do this good action for me , and for the futur.

Thx , I would like to meet you personally one day😊 , and if you have questions I would be happy to answer.

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