@BillGatelll2 – William Henry Gates – Mr. Gates Thank You for readings this it shall be well worth the effort. I

William Schober sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:

Mr. Gates Thank You for readings this it shall be well worth the effort.
I have been working on 4 medical devices that strap on for 90 days at sleep.
The 4 Units thus far shall be the fore front of the future of healing. That is with Vibrational Frequencies. Yes I know others have done related, however I am the one who really got the practical side of the future of healing, been on that at least 5 years. That cannot be pharmaceuticals / there has to be another way for the future and this is it.
The 4 current units are:
1) Thyroids as long as there is one, no matter how bad the condition.
2) Pancreas I am still working on the antigens but very close. Essentially this one is a functioning unit,
3) Knee replacements not to work on all, but my guess more than 60% after initial consultation.
4) Alzheimer’s is the farthest. However that one is almost done for prototyping.
These I believe may be retailed as STL files.
With accompanying kit, of easier sent than printed materials.
Finished products I guesstamate at less than a hundred dollars per unit. The recipient can share the unit with anyone, as the unit will function far past one healing.
How this works?
Basically the return to balance and harmony is gathered by way of vibrational frequencies. 90 days is 3 months that represents who we are mind body and spirit. As a professional faith healer trained and in practice for a few decades under these hands miracles have happened beyond recollection. After so long then I just got it. So 20 years of healing work three teachers and 5 books on faith healing in the Native American Persuasion joined with the world experience in practicing in so many countries has provided the foundation to the body of these devices. Which I believe shall set the pace of other inventors or luminaries in times to come. Here is a simplified break down however the process is quite complicated.
My proposal is simple. Fly me in and feed me, under a disclosure document and you and one other can sit and have a meeting. Or come to Galveston Island Texas and visit in my home.
My goal is to be an R & D Consultant on these devices and their offspring. Houston Area, a Veteran and gonna be 65 on March 27th
Thank you

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