@BillGatelll2 – William Henry Gates – Suggestion To Gates and Melinda Foundation Subject: Health Efforts By The Foundation To whom it

Muhammad Ibad Saleem sent a message to William Henry Gates that said:

Suggestion To Gates and Melinda Foundation
Subject: Health Efforts By The Foundation

To whom it may concern,
I Ibad Saleem writing this document to provide with a suggestion which proved my mind to be useful and helpful for the efforts in the sector of Health globally by Mr.Gates and his foundation.
The suggestion is in the developing area and the poor countries where mostly health is a major concern with no or less health care facilities, foundation can seriously look for development of an application. Application will work as a communicator between country’s ongoing health concern`s and the foundation. With the development of an app Foundation can keep a check on its amount spend and on what purpose with the help and trust of a person foundation had to hire. However, foundation along with the government of country`s support can work through eradicating many of the disease such as POLIO from the countries which is the major goal. Application can enable a normal person not associated with the foundation nor the government to provide feedback on the area where the disease is present which can help eradicate disease in a real quick time with efficiency.
To engage people in it Foundation can help open volunteer certificate for the one who helps in informing about the presence of problem related to the foundation`s work. By this whole community or a society can help make Foundation aim to come true more efficiently.
This suggestion will surely work as in countries like Pakistan mostly youth exists and they would love to be appreciated by the one`s foundation who has been the role model for many of the young minds Mr.Gates.
Muhammad Ibad Saleem

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