@brucedbroussard – Bruce Broussard – Dear Humana, I am honored to represent the American Heart Association (AHA) as a current

Kimberly Perry sent a message to Bruce Broussard that said:

Dear Humana,

I am honored to represent the American Heart Association (AHA) as a current Executive Leadership Team member for the 2020 Heart Ball. The Heart Ball, one of the most prestigious and well attended galas in the city, will take place on February 8, 2020, at the Kentucky International Convention Center and is expected to have 800+ guests.

As someone personally affected by heart disease and stroke, it is important to note heart disease and stroke are the #1 and #5 killers in the US, and are the greatest health threats to our friends and family members. The American Heart Association (AHA) is counting on those in the community, like us, to make a difference.

Currently, in Louisville alone, AHA is funding lifesaving research projects totaling over $1.4 million. Although we have made great strides, there is still a gap. Over $600,000 of cardiovascular and stroke research grants went unfunded in Kentuckiana. One of these projects could have led to the next medical breakthrough; The American Heart Association needs our support to save lives!

Our goal for this event is to raise $800,000 for life-saving research, advocacy, and education, with a 2020 focus on cardiovascular and stroke research projects and CPR tools and training at the local level.

Not only is my company, Kindred Healthcare, a proud sponsor of the event, but I believe so much in this mission, that I am also a personal supporter of this cause, but the power we have together far outweighs what I can do alone. In the spirit of giving this holiday season, I hope to have your support for the 2020 Heart Ball. Your generosity would mean so much to me, and to all those affected by heart disease and stroke.

As the year-end approaches, please consider a tax-deductible gift or event sponsorship of a minimum of $10,000 (although any amount is appreciated). Join me, together with other companies and individuals in the community, and help AHA in their mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.

Thank you for your consideration to support the lifesaving work of the AHA. If you have any questions or need additional information about the many Heart Ball invest

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