Can you help me with an issue please… We are getting all types of letters – Jane Fraser email address

David sent a message to Jane Fraser CEO, CitiMortgage – email address that said:

Can you help me with an issue please... We are getting all types of letters and we are only behind for May. Why in the hell is Citi antagonizing me and my family about one payment? I am going to seek legal advice too against this because this is a form of harassment!

I should not have a letter on my door for being behind in the month we are in. Clean my name up! I have until the 30th I know my rights....

I am to see how to file charges against this company for "harassing me and going beyond the scope of providing help to harm. You guys are adding additional fees to my account too from sending all these people out. I sent my payment on time so what is the freaking problem!

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