@capitalone – Richard Fairbank – A hold has been put on my Capital One credit card for a charge of

Althea Lachicotte sent a message to Richard Fairbank that said:

A hold has been put on my Capital One credit card for a charge of $1.92 for which I cannot vouch for. I've spoken with an employee from your company and her manager, Alazia, employee number NAN525 and requested the hold be removed. I was told by both employees that the company procedure required that a new card be sent with different numbers.
I DO NOT WANT A NEW CARD! There id no indication that anyone or company has made any attempt to use my card. No one, other than me, has access to my credit card. Of course I understand that it may be from an unknown outside source but if that were so there would be a much bigger attempted charge other than $1.92.
Check my Capital One account and my credit score. You will see that I have been a very loyal customer.
Please get in touch with me immediately and get this matter resolved.
Althea > Lachicotte
Atlantic Beach, Florida

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