@centurylink – Glen Post – Hello, I recently bought a house in Livermore, CO and was excited to find out

Melissa Atchley sent a message to Glen Post that said:


I recently bought a house in Livermore, CO and was excited to find out the CenturyLink serviced the area. I work for myself from home (for years now, not just since covid.) so I always sign up for business internet and telephone.

Additionally, and more importantly, I have a special needs child who I homeschool.

I have been told by CenturyLink that there is no more room on the node in my area and I cannot get service. As a special needs mom, who does telehealth therapy for my son many times a month, homeschooling via video classes with Abeka and BJU, and much shopping online as my son has difficulties going to stores....the internet is critical to our survival. And it is how I make a living.

I was hoping to find someone at CenturyLink sympathetic to us willing to add a node, squeeze us in....something.

Please help me. We move into our house on the 2nd of June.

Thank you,
Melissa Atchley
303-284-9697 (direct, preferred)
513-227-4103 (cell)

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