Walter A. Winshall sent a message to Glen Post that said:
RE: Account #: 312135262
Telephone number: (239) 472-2018
Service address: 16620 Captiva Drive, Captiva, FL 33924
Billing address: 3 Ferndale Road, Weston, MA 02493
People send us e-mail telling us that they canât reach us because our telephone line doesnât work. They have tried to call and they get a couple of clicks and a hang-up. This started early this year.
We report the problem. A service ticket is generated. A Century Link technician responds and reports that the problem is solved. The phone works for a day or two and then the problem returns. Then we report the problem again. A new service ticket is generated. The same or a different technician responds and reports that the problem is solved. The phone works for a day or two and then the problem returns. And so on.
In February, one of the technicians told us to call him instead of reporting the problem. The results were the same.
We left Florida in March and returned last week. We are now on our second service ticket since our return.
We have been a loyal Century Link customer here since 1986.
We would really like it if Century Link would get to the bottom of what is going on and fix it.
We are nearing the end of our patience.
Perhaps you have someone there who could help us.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Walter A. Winshall
cell: (781) 718-8718