@ceoLeeKunHee – Lee KunHee – Dear sir, I write to you directly out of frustration and disappointment in both your

Pornpan Sonthisuan sent a message to Lee KunHee that said:

Dear sir,

I write to you directly out of frustration and disappointment in both your product and the after sales service I have received from samsung thailand.

Firstly, for your information I have enclosed below a copy of my first email to samsung thailand detailing my complaint.

As explained to your division in thailand, I am a customer who has been loyal to your brand for many years investing a large amount of my earnings in your phone products.

Whilst I understand my phone is now out of warranty, you can see from the information below and my records with you that I have had multiple issues with this handset both in and out of warranty. These problems have caused me significant inconvenience and financial loss. I would not expect to experience so many problems with a premium handset.

If you contact customer service thailand you will note that I have emailed them no less than 4 times ( 14th,29 December and 1st,5th Jan.) On each occasion I detailed my complaints and asked for a senior member of your staff to review my situation and write to me directly with a resolution.

To date I have received no written response other than an initial auto email stating my complaint was received.

On 3 occasions I received a phone call from an individual who made me a token offer to discount replacing the main board in my existing phone.

These offers go directly against my stated written request which was a replacement handset. I didn't even ask for a new one, simply a replacement as I have no confidence in the quality or reliability of my existing unit. Under the circumstances I feel this is a perfectly reasonable request.

At no point did your staff acknowledge my request or make any attempt to discuss my requests. Nor did they write to me despite my repeated requests.

Their phone calls simply felt like an attempt by your company to get rid of me without formally acknowledging the issues I raised.

My last email to them on the 5th stated that if I did not receive a WRITTEN proposal and acknowledgement of my complaint within 7 days, I would be forced to write directly to you.

I was not surprised when a day later I received yet another 'sales' call from your thai staff offering a slight increase in the discount they offered to replace the board. Again completely ignoring my request to communicate with me in writing and also ignoring the fact that I had previously stated four times I no longer wanted a repair of my faulty handset.

In conclusion, I have been let down and ignored every step of the way with this complaint process and left feeling like your company do not value its customers once a warranty has expired.

It is also clear to me that Samsung Thailand are providing products with low grade components but still charging a premium price. Disgraceful!

So I have had to waste yet more of my time writing to you but I sincerely hope that someone senior in your department will now take this matter seriously, review my complaint and write to me directly with a satisfactory proposal which may go some way to restoring my very damaged opinion of your company.

I will expect a response within 7 working days as I have already wasted too much time on this matter.

Yours sincerely

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