@ceoLeeKunHee – Lee KunHee – Greetings, May I request for your assistance with my two months old Samsung TV to

Zaira sent a message to Lee KunHee that said:


May I request for your assistance with my two months old Samsung TV to be replaced with a brand new unit please? The LCD panel is defective (service order number: 4311414899) and I already raised the concern to Samsung Philippines but they did not address my concern. Samsung Philippines wanted the TV to be repaired inside our house. Unfortunately, I have a health concern and I could not take the risk of letting the technicians in my house to do the work due to Covid-19 outbreak in the Philippines.

I had several Samsung devices in our house and one of them (washing machine) broke down before due to faulty electrical and there was some sparks and smoke coming out of the washing machine. I demanded a replacement back then because of fire hazard and I believe a company like you should be responsible enough to retrieve and investigate the unit to avoid products from catching fire instead of just having it repaired when obviously, it could happen to all of your washing machines with the same model. I let that one slide and agreed with the repair although I find it to be very unprofessional. After the repair, I decided to sell the washing machine as our family no longer feel it is safe to use it anymore.

For the TV, I could not let it be repaired as it is still good as new and I will not take the risk of letting your technicians inside our house because of the pandemic and my health concern which I do not want to disclose on this email. If this will not be handled properly by Samsung, I will report this to the Department of Trade and Industry and we may end up in court. I believe that Samsung is a good company so please do not let this incident lose my trust and faith in your brand. Please reach out. Thanks!

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