@ceoLeeKunHee – Lee KunHee – I have a problem with my new laptop support. It seems support is not trained

Dieter Hinkelmann sent a message to Lee KunHee that said:

I have a problem with my new laptop support. It seems support is not trained and don't know Samsung products. I paid $1,200 for my laptop and it came with a small SD card drive. I purchase a new SD card 970 EVO but it does not come with a plug to clone existing drive. I have to many softwares and to install all again has issues with licence, quicker to cloan.
I aske Samsung support as to best way to clone and install my new 970 EVO 1TB drive. They asked for serial number, and what I want to do. I had already noted on my initial request. After 10 emails, response is only once a week, so you see it is taking a long time. Then they sent me a software and detail set up, problem the instructions is for a HP laptop and using a regular SD drive and not a V-NAND SSD. So I requested again that I have a Samsung laptop and not a HP.
Today after 1 week waiting for response I get this stupid email:
Christopher - 2020-05-14 10:49:28
Hello Dieter,
Thank you for your response.I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I would like to clarify in exactly what are you trying to do? Are you trying to clone your original drive to one of your Samsung SSDs?

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