@ceomikejackson – Michael J Jackson – Hello Mr. Jackson, I live at 500 E Las Olas. The IRS has requested copies

Mark Blocker sent a message to Michael J Jackson that said:

Hello Mr. Jackson,

I live at 500 E Las Olas. The IRS has requested copies of a A5 convertible purchase in 2012 from the Newport Beach CA Audi dealer you acquired. They also want a copy of the sale back to your dealership in January 2013. The car was either under my name or under NASINC a company back I own.

I made a dozen calls yesterday and was told your local controller Mike Bitner was whom I need to talked to. I spoke to 4 associates and left four messages for Mike.

I'm seeking assistance to comply with the IRS request.

Thank you.

Mark Blocker

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