@CharterNewsroom – Thomas Rutledge – Dear sir, First thank you for your time in this matter. I do understand that

James W Whitlatch sent a message to Thomas Rutledge that said:

Dear sir,

First thank you for your time in this matter. I do understand that yo have more important thing to do than listen to me but I have talked to 7 different people with no one seeming to care. I have had my service since 5-11-19. When I ordered my service it was for 3 DVR’s and 4 additional TV’s. I was informed that the additional TV’s would require Apple TV receivers. When the installer arrived he quickly installed the DVR’s and asked me if I had my Apple Receivers which I opened the box and he hooked them to our TV’s and walked me through the setup. I have elderly people in the house hold that could not work the Apple TV’s. at that time I went to cancel my service and to my surprise I was informed that the Apple TV boxes were now mine and I have to continue to pay for them. This was never explained to me when I ordered the service and the installer never made any mention of this when he hook them up. It was not till I called to cancel was I informed that the box had a disclaimer that once opened I own the equipment. I will agree that the disclaimer is on the box, but it was place on the bottom of the box not anywhere near the shipping label. All I am asking is the I be able to return the Apple Boxes and not be charged for them. I reached out to Kathleen Mayo twice yesterday with no response. Please just let me return these boxes and not be charged for equipment that I will never use. Your response is anticipated so we can close out this matter.

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