@CharterNewsroom – Thomas Rutledge – Good Morning, I have a major issue with your corporation. I moved services when I

Ann Marie Chao sent a message to Thomas Rutledge that said:

Good Morning,
I have a major issue with your corporation. I moved services when I closed on my house. We have had our bill up to date. It had a zero balance. We received a bill on 10/2 for 53 dollars, was paid. We received another bill on 10/21 for 84.99 and is due on 11/5. Today I receive a phone call saying I owe 69.99 immediately or will be disconnected. I look at the bill says we owe 248 dollars? I have never been billed for any of this and it had a zero balance and was paid. How can you threaten to cut service off to people when you don't bill them properly. I cannot pull up any statement where it says where these charges came from. It's a disgrace! I swear if they had verizon fios in my area we wouldn't be having this discussion this is sad.

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