Willow Rose sent a message to Thomas Rutledge that said:
Mr. Rutledge, I need your help. I am a customer of Spectrum in Florence, OR for internet and now mobile phones. My name is Willow Katherine Rose and for some reason a few years ago someone put my account under the nickname Kate for my middle name but I don't go by Kate and have begged them to change it to my own legal first name of Willow. They know my name because they ran my credit to buy the phones and I've sent them a copy of my driver's license. Your customer service agents have lied, pretended they don't understand what I'm asking, Mocked me, belittled me, told me I need to present them with a name change order to be called by my own legal name instead of a nickname I don't even go by. This has gone on too long and I need you to fix it. I've asked the last couple of customer service agents to refund me the money they have charged me under a name that is not my name but they refuse, I've asked agencies like Fair Shake to help me but they refuse too. You are my only hope to convince your company to call me by my own name.