Tina Mendoza sent a message to Michael Corbat that said:
I'm very ill today, due to Citi Bank's inability to deliver my Costco's Rewards. After a week of struggling to access the rewards and after a call on Wednesday, I went to Costco yesterday to use my rewards; however, after the indicated call, Citi cancels my rewards and sends me an updated mail without the rewards, unbeknownst to me. When at Costco I was able to access my forwarded email, because the original one was not found and after saving it, it will still not work. Every time I tried to access it, my outlook and computer froze up. These is the most extreme security paranoia I have encountered that wastes days and weeks of my constricted time. Last year, your so call executive even turned me into IHSS for financial abuse just because I stood up to her. It seems that your staff is pretty arrogant, instead of practicing business sense and customer services skills. Thus; my rewards owed to me are cancelled and was threatened to hang up on me after riling me up pretty bad. Just in these last 2 months; I've had a few incidents with my other Citibank cards payments not getting posted by Citi and charging me late fees. And now today being very ill due to getting upset yesterday; because, my sympathetic nervous system is broken and also have optic nerve damage and a hypoxic brain. Therefore; heaven knows when I'll be able to get my rewards that belong to me. I've also written to Costco CEO. Thank you, Mr. Corbat I can't see that you're the new CEO. Tina, inactive CPA Tier II, Real Estate Agent expired license, real estate investor and 2 years of law school.