@CitizensBank – Bruce VanSaun – To whom this may concern, My name is Kenneth Tabb and I am the care

kenneth Tabb sent a message to Bruce VanSaun that said:

To whom this may concern, My name is Kenneth Tabb and I am the care taker and Power of Attorney of my 87 year old dad, who is a 44 year military Vet. I am writing you because my dad has a State Street Retirement Plan with Citizens Bank and his direct deposit account was opened in January 2001 and for some reason it was closed in March of 2006 and switched to a Savings account., This account should not have been closed or switched because neither my dad or myself closed or switched this account. My dads State Street Retiree Service for Federal Reserve System and Retirement Plan should have been in the account that was closed for unknown reasons from January 2001 until present date. The Savings account was some how opened in March 2006 and then the originally account that my dads pension was to go in was then re-opened on July 30th 2008 which was confirmed on January 29,2020 by Dennis at the Citizen Bank Customer Service at 1-800-922-9999 . Both me and my dad had noticed this travesty when I took my dad to handle his business because my dad is a sick man and he wanted to get his affairs in order. My dad is very distraught and so am I because we have reached out to several Citizens Banks via walk- ins and by phone and everyone is saying the same " We don't know what happened" I have been told by one of your employees that she would mail me and my dad a packet showing all transaction and this was over two months ago ( which should only be one transaction on12/23/2019 ). So why would employee send me a packet of past transaction when there was only one made ever out of his account. I have been given suggestion to reach out to you for answers. My dad really would like to get to the bottom of this because he is missing thousands of dollars. On 12/11/2019 at 6:42 pm I received phone call from Citizens Bank and the employee asked me why did I reach out to attorney General because I and my dad should have talked to them to handle this issue. I reassured the Citizen Bank employee that both me and my dad had tried numerous time to get the help to find out what happened to his Pension money and no one seems to have a answer. Enough is enough my dad worked hard and is so worried about his pension that it affects him mentally and physically keeping him sick. My dad cant dress himself, bath himself, walk and does not have use of his hands and he wants answers. Please help him with this issue.

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