@CKinstitute – Charles Koch – Aloha Mr. Koch, I am humbly writing to you to see if you would help

Kimberly Masse sent a message to Charles Koch that said:

Aloha Mr. Koch,

I am humbly writing to you to see if you would help support my family this holiday season. My fiancé of 16 years, Kenneth Kaniho, is hoping for a Kidney transplant next year. He has been on dialysis for 26 years. He had strep throat when he was in his 20’s, didn’t go to the doctor and lost his kidneys. He is not diabetic nor does he have any other health issues at this time. He has done well on dialysis for his 26 years, but his body is deteriorating and he knows it is time to get a new life, he is only 49 years old. He is my everything and I couldn’t stand to lose him, so this is equally important for me!

We live on the small island of Lanai and need to travel back and forth to Oahu for his testing and we will need to pay for our own housing, food and rental vehicle for 30 to 60 days when the time comes. Since Ohana airlines is often unreliable and early appointments, we usually go the night before which is also another expense for us. There is multiple tests that need to be completed so that requires us to travel often at this time. I do have some money saved, but not nearly enough to cover everything and to pay our bills back at home. I am also trying to pay some of the bills off so we don’t have to worry while he is trying to heal from surgery.

I work a full time job and he will work after he gets his transplant and is healthy again. I know you also work hard for your money and this is just a leap of faith that you would help us in this time of need. This is no scam or untruthful request and I am humiliated in asking but felt it in my heart to ask, all you could say is no.

Any gift able amount would be appreciated! All I can say is thank you for reading my request and I will continue to pray.


Kimberly Masse

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