@costco – Craig Jelinek – Dear W. Craig Jelinek, My name is Satinder Chahal. I?m writing this letter to express

Satinder Chahal sent a message to Craig Jelinek that said:

Dear W. Craig Jelinek,

My name is Satinder Chahal. I’m writing this letter to express my anger and disappointment towards the poor service I got from the Pharmacy manager (Melissia) from Calgary, Sarcee NW Costco, Canada.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019. I came to pick up my husband’s prescription (Engerix). As he has an appointment with our doctor for his inject on Wednesday (October 23, 2019). I told Chloe his name, and that I was here to pick up my husband’s prescription fro his appointment. At the time of pick up, I was with a friend and I didn’t pay much attention to what Chloe was giving me, I trusted that she have me the right prescription. I didn’t have any reason to doubt that she wouldn’t. Wednesday, I took the bag of prescription that Chloe had given me to the doctor’s office. That was where we found out that Chloe had given me my daughter’s prescription (twinrix) instead, this of which I did not asked for. Luckily, the doctor had caught the mistake and stopped the injection. We were not happy at all.

I came back the next day to pick up my husband’s prescription and was told that it still had not been filled. I was confused and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t. Nonetheless, I went to the drop off window and got it filled and waited for another 15 minutes. While waiting, I decided to have a chat with the Manager (Melissa) to inform her what had happened, and to possibly prevent this from happening to someone else.

To my surprise and anger, instead of listening and dealing in an appropriate and respectful manner, she chose to belittle me. This conduct was unprofessional and inappropriate. I did not appreciate it at all. Although, Melissa appears to be friendly and smiling, but through her smile, she insinuated that it was my fault for not paying attention to what I was pocking up. I told her that I didn’t expect to pick up my daughter’s prescription, therefore, I didn’t anticipate any mistake to be made. Melissa seemed to be annoyed with me. She treated me like i was trying to cheat Costco’s system. So, I told her this was not about the money. it was about the mistake that was made, and the danger behind that mistake. After 10 minutes of arguing back and forth Melissa said, bring back the wrong prescription and she will refund me.

The thought of coming back and dealing with Melissa has caused me with much stress. But I wanted to prove that I was telling her the truth. I was relieved that she was not in. I explained the incident to a pharmacist on duty and he did the refund without a problem. My family and I choose to do business with Costco because Costco has a good reputation for providing excellent customer service. After this encounter with Melissa and waiting 20 minutes in line continuously just to pick up medications, was just too many times.

My friends have warned me about this Pharmacy. They have encountered too many bad experiences with some of the staid such as bad attitude and negative behaviour at the drop off window. Since then. They have transferred all of their prescriptions to Co-op, Shoppers, Walmart, Rexall, and Super Store. They told me that they are happy to pay more for better services and less hassle.

This experience has led me to question my membership and choice of doing business with an establishment that treatment me and my family poorly. My family and I am so upset and angry. If Costco pharmacy does not want to do business with us then it would have been beneficial if she just said so. No need to toggle us around on top of Costco’s long lines.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns. Hopefully going forward Costco can resolve the issue that I have mentioned and improve your services. My main concern is about the safety of Costco members.

I’m looking forward to hear from you. Thank you.


Satinder Chahal

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