@costco – Craig Jelinek – Good afternoon Mr. Jelinek, Please do not disregard this email as I feel that my

Suzy Barnett sent a message to Craig Jelinek that said:

Good afternoon Mr. Jelinek,
Please do not disregard this email as I feel that my feedback highlights something truly important for taking care of others in these times of COVID 19, that your organizations policies do not take into account. Today, I joined the 2 hour lines outside my local Costco, in Yonkers NY to purchase items of need, solely for others in my local community who are isolated at home for medical or high risk reasons and for our local food pantry that serves a critical population in need. At the checkout counter, I was informed that 50% of what I had in my shopping cart I could not purchase because of restrictions for the numbers of items. I requested to speak to the manager and had emails showing crisis requests for purchase of items which included diapers, but she was disinterested. I respect that she kept to your company policy while not jeopardizing her job and making an executive decision. HOWEVER, apparently if I had more than one person's membership card with me, it would have been most certainly acceptable for me to be permitted to purchase my entire selection of products. So it's lovely to see that your company is more interested in permitting those that can afford to purchase membership over those community members attempting to support their community. As such, your company policy cheated the Dobbs Ferry Food pantry https://dobbsferrypantry.org and Spring Community Partners http://www.springcommunitypartners.org out of essential items requested and needed. That's a shame. As a result, I have contacted both organizations to put the word out that there is absolutely no point in wasting 2 hours of essential time to enter your stores to have minimal price point difference to purchase the same items that could be bought more locally elsewhere in stores that take up much less time. You really should have systems in place when individuals are attempting to purchase for recognizable organizations with email proof of request needs or at least come with documentation for proof so that those less fortunate can be helped.

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