@costco – Craig Jelinek – Hello sir A note to tell you two things. One, I love your store. Healthy

Trent Keeling sent a message to Craig Jelinek that said:

Hello sir
A note to tell you two things. One, I love your store. Healthy products, the only place I can find a large selection of foods not run by Big Food corporations. Much of your Kirkland brand is excellent quality, value, and healthy. I’m hooked.

Number two? Fix the plastic packaging....the amount of non bio degradable trash the store generates isn’t acceptable. This is true for so many stores...but the government isnt going to intercede , and industry will have to take the lead...and please not in the half hearted some day my prince will come example that Coca Cola set...be an influencer, change the paradigm, fix the world...at least the world our kids and grandkids will inherit.

Thank you for listening


Trent Keeling

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