@dan_schulman – Daniel H Dan Schulman – PP-006-822-771-542 I am respectfully requesting that the hold on my funds/account be lifted. I am

Trystin macherzak sent a message to Daniel H Dan Schulman that said:


I am respectfully requesting that the hold on my funds/account be lifted. I am not necessarily requesting that my account be re-opened or allowed to continue to use the PayPal service, as I have already taken my business to your largest competitor and I am no longer in need of PayPal’s services.

I have previously requested a review/appeal of my case which was denied. Although I still disagree with the decision to deny my appeal I will abide by it – however because I feel that holding my funds for 180 days for a non-fraudulent violation of PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy is excessive, and perhaps a punitive abuse of power, I will be filing complaints with the following agencies on MONDAY morning, April 30 , 2018 if I am not satisfied with PayPal’s response to this request to release my funds:

(agencies in the states that I reside or have a business presence in)

The California Office of the Attorney General

The Washington State Office of the Attorney General

The Florida Office of the Attorney General

The Arizona Office of the Attorney General

The United States Federal Reserve
(I understand that PayPal does not operate as a “bank” which is precisely why they may be interested in such complaints)

The Better Business Bureau:

THE FBI: Hence -holding funds-pending or otherwise is FRAUD!

All complaints will be filed “online” MONDAY morning April 30 ,2018 and written copies will also be sent via certified mail.

I feel that any reasonable person would conclude that holding my entire balance for 180 days is excessive and my be viewed by some as punitive or as already stated, an unnecessary abuse of power and perhaps even contrary to the laws of some states. And for the reasons give to close account , is absurd I miss typed card details and re did sale twice , and that just cause ..? That being said I have no problem with, and agree to leaving a balance $ 200 for credit card chargeback purposes for the duration of the 180 days. I feel that this is a fair resolution while still leaving PayPal with the means to charge back any future credit card disputes to my account.

Please be aware that replying with the standard “this is part of the terms of service that you agreed to” will not satisfy my request, or deter me from filing my complaints with the agencies listed above on the morning of MONDAY April 30TH. It will be up to those agencies to determine if PayPal is operating within the law, abusing power, etc. I am simply seeking a resolution that is fair and in the best interest of both parties.

Thank you for your time again in looking into this matter.


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