@dan_schulman – Daniel Schulman – For the last 3 days I have been talking to customer service requesting that they

Jeanne Dixonanne sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:

For the last 3 days I have been talking to customer service requesting that they provide me with a statement or letter on PayPal letter head that references my name, partial account number and balance in order for me to obtain a mortgage loan. I was told that the once my payment posted to my account that they would be able to provide me everything I need. Today, I am being told that they either mail me a statement or fax a statement to my lender which will take 72 hours. I requested for them to send the information to my email since I am locked into an interest rate and do not want to lose that rate, however they said "no". I travel for a living and really need this information today as I am leaving this afternoon and will not be available until Late Friday night. Please help me.

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