@dan_schulman – Daniel Schulman – Good day Mr. Schulman, dealing with your customer service department has been nothing but a

Kelly Porter sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:

Good day Mr. Schulman,
dealing with your customer service department has been nothing but a pain trying to resolve a issue. Why is it that I am subjected to a agent that speaks broken English and does not listen to the details of the disputed transaction. I use PayPal for all my online transactions for protection and reassurance that if any of the purchases are not correct, due to faulty merchandise (as in my case), I have you folks to step in and resolve the issues that I'm having with the company that I'm dealing with.
Problem: I purchased 2 watches from this company and when I received them, my wife and I noticed that the watchbands were not large enough to fit our wrists. We would like to ship them back for a full refund, but were told that we would be responsible for paying the shipping back to Madrid, Spain, which will not be cheap. Now, it's not the money. but the principle that I having to pay shipping on a faulty product and that Paypal will not step in and correct this issue. Of course, you being the CEO, I'm hoping that you'll pass this on to someone that is competent in resolving this...
Case ID #PP-D-48730393
thanks for your valuable time today,
Kelly Porter

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