@dan_schulman – Daniel Schulman – Good Morning Dan, I am long time PayPal customer. I have been trying to talk

Gary Morris sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:

Good Morning Dan,

I am long time PayPal customer.

I have been trying to talk to an agent, and I am having difficulty getting anyone to speak with me.

Saturday evening I was given a 2 - 3 Hour call back.

I got that call back and listened to 39 minutes of music & etc. no human contact form PayPal.

Sunday, listened to almost an hour of explaining how PayPal works and music.

Today, I called PayPal at 10.41 AM EST it is now 11:45 AM all I am receiving on the phone is
explaining and music, no human interface.

I have an easy question, I just need someone to guide me thru the process.

Thanking you in advance for your attention to this.

Gary Morris, MSG, USA, Retired

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