Jm sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:
Good Morning!
I recently started selling on ebay, which required me to open a Paypal account.
In my last transaction (which was my 2nd transaction), money was sent to my account. Before I could accept it, Paypal required me to either accept or decline the payment. If I accepted, I had to do things to verify my account.
Reading the rest of the information on that page, it said if declined, a person could use other Paypal tools to accept or send funds. I do not chose to be "Verified".
I declined. It then said the transaction was canceled. Sure enough, there was a line through that transaction.
This is quite ridiculous. What I have is a personal account. I am not a business. I'm out the money that was sent. There is NO ONE live to contact at Paypal in any sense of the word.
So there is no way to straighten this out. If this is the kind of crap I have to go through to sell a few things on ebay, I can tell you it isn't worth it. I will close both accounts if this can't be resolved.
I'm sure that the piddly-ass amount that Ebay and Paypal make off my few things won't make a difference to either company.
So I'm stuck. This is just one more stupid headache that I definitely do not need right now.