@dan_schulman – Daniel Schulman – Hello My name is Rebecca Rasmusson i am the owner of 2 Businesses and mother

Rebecca Rasmusson sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:

Hello My name is Rebecca Rasmusson i am the owner of 2 Businesses and mother of 10 and grandma of 7.
I am in need of help my funds are locked up they are for my business and i have tax id numbers and everything and my husband has Congestive Heart Failure and we now have bigger issues as these funds belong to clients that paid for services and now because we have angry clients one lawyer calling me for another thinking Im ripping people off and now my husband woke up this morning with severe chest pain he is stressing out because we have a business to run mouths to feed. He does not need stress his heart is barely working at !7% per last DR. test last month and now he has to go to the Dr. maybe even Emergency room because this mishap has caused big problems. We have to pay extra money to our work truck because it was ready a few days ago tried to even pay for it straight to shop from account and still did`t allow me I got told on Tuesday i would be able to withdrawl the funds yesturday and i then was told it was mis communication on your guys part. I run a business and i now business ethics and this is not a good one. Please help me because if my husband has to continue to deal with these angry customers and he ends in the hospital over this its going to get seriously bad for us. so please help please thanks
Truly Grateful
Rebecca Rasmusson (Rocky Mountain Hurricane) (Black Butterfly Bonita Loca Services)

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