L. Barbour sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:
I am reaching out to you for assistance in getting an issue resolved with Paypal. I purchased 4 paypal my cash cards in 2015 (I have the receipts). I uploaded 3 onto my paypal account. I kept one for future use. I attempted to upload the card onto my paypal account last week and found out that the system had changed and paypal no longer accepts the mycash cards. I have contacted paypal for a resolution in getting the monies back that were loaded onto the card that was not used and have been unsuccessful. I was referred to Incomm who informed me that they no longer handle any business for paypal and paypal should not be giving their phone number out. I am trying to get the monies that were put on the card off and I an running into a road block. Please assist me in resolving this matter. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance.