@dan_schulman – Daniel Schulman – Regarding my PayPal dispute PP-D-66583735 with popumart.com, I would like to submit/add the following

Douglas Sargent sent a message to Daniel Schulman that said:

Regarding my PayPal dispute PP-D-66583735 with popumart.com, I would like to submit/add the following information:
A. Originally, I had understood that I was placing an order with popumart.com. I now find that this business also goes under the names of LTFASHION LTD, CHICINFOS LTD and tcreate0404@163.com. This appears to me to be a Chinese shell game to prevent legitimate recourse. In attempting a resolution with the seller, I had sent an email to tcreate0404@163.com with a delivery receipt request. The delivery receipt came back in what appears to be Chinese. I have never received a reply to this email.
B. I find that no-where on the bottle of hand sanitizer that I received, is there any indication of country of origin. As the origin of this product was obviously outside of the United States and the seller shipped this product into the U.S., the seller is obviously in violation of Title 19 U.S.C. as shown below:

19 U.S.C.
United States Code, 2010 Edition
Part I - Miscellaneous
Sec. 1304 - Marking of imported articles and containers
From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, www.gpo.gov
§1304. Marking of imported articles and containers
(a) Marking of articles
Except as hereinafter provided, every article of foreign origin (or its container, as provided in subsection (b) hereof) imported into the United States shall be marked in a conspicuous place as legibly, indelibly, and permanently as the nature of the article (or container) will permit in such manner as to indicate to an ultimate purchaser in the United States the English name of the country of origin of the article.
In my original contact with your resolution center, I had requested a refund of $23.72. As I am now concerned about where this product originated, whether the product is even safe to use and shipment being in violation of U.S. law, I wish to change my requested refund from the seller to 35.98 which is the amount my PayPal account was originally charged.
I have spent several hours trying to find a way to attach the above to my dispute or to provide this information to your dispute resolution department without success. I would appreciate you escalating the above to the management level in your dispute resolution department and having someone there confirm receipt of the above information via email
Thank you in advance for your help,
Douglas Sargent
11 Pear Orchard Rd.
Portland, CT 06480


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