Joseph Prieur sent a message to David Brandon that said:
David, this is an extract from your profile on Linked in:
David Brandon, Chairman and CEO of Toys“R”Us Inc. & Babies”R”Us
- Headquartered in Wayne, NJ, Toys“R”Us, Inc. employs approximately 66,000 employees worldwide. The company is committed to serving its communities as a caring and reputable neighbor through programs dedicated to keeping kids safe and helping them in times of need.
- The mission of Toys“R”Us, Inc. is to bring joy into the lives of its customers! How about your employees, do they count? Shouldn\'t your company also bring joy into their lives?
- The Hebrew meaning of your first name, David, is “Beloved.” Is the current illegal and improper practice of penalizing employees because they fail to meet Buyer Protection Plans (BPPs) quotas sound like something you wish to be attributable to you, BELOVED?
- This practice is preying on the most vulnerable of society, the young, old, widowed, orphaned and others who may have disabilities and are limited to the number of hours your company will provide them, often based on their BPP quota, even though you and your lawyers will beg to differ and ask for is the truth, and I indeed have proof, but will not need to use it.
- I leave this scene now in the capable hands of our Heavenly Father. I was simply a messenger...a nobody who was carrying a message from God to you. He wants you to meditate carefully about what was written in my earlier e-mail and do the proper thing to make things right again with respect to this discriminatory practice against, as I said, the most vulnerable and needy of society.
- I provide you David with one piece of advice before you engage your lawyers or whomever to fight me, who is a nobody. Pray tonight to our Heavenly Father, and do so in a quiet reverent manner and ask Him personally what you should do. Don\'t ask anyone\'s advice; it\'s between Him and you alone.
- He is not pleased with the oppression of these people in the name of mammon (money, profit). He wants you to carefully think over what I wrote in my previous e-mail, which I wrote with all my heart and soul, and words that were influenced by Him. Above all David, a man\'s word is all he has. When you leave this world, feel good that your conscience is clear and you did the right thing, with character befitting your name and in all integrity of character.
- God is indeed merciful and long suffering, but He is also a God of justice and wrath when carrying out His righteous judgments. Remember, you are no longer fighting Joseph Prieur, a mere man. All your future thoughts and actions, as well as those of anyone else connected to this despicable practice, will be judged by Him and Him alone. So if you wish to substantiate yourself or argue and debate this issue, by all means go right ahead, but remember your conversation is directed to Him, not me. Think prudently and make the right and wise choice David.
- Your company doesn\'t need all this extra money raised through the sale of BBPs (and it is substantial) to fill its already overflowing coffers.