David Brandon – I had my daughter put a lay a way in your Scranton, PA store for

Deborah Byrne sent a message to David Brandon that said:

I had my daughter put a lay a way in your Scranton, PA store for me, which is over $1200., I received your flyer in the mail today about the sale that starts 12/6/15 almost everything I purchased on that lay a way is on sale starting 12/6. I tried to go on your web site to see what the policy is concerning this to no avail. I called the 1-800-toysrus number to ask there, no help what so ever, you only got 6 choices to choose from and this was not on the list. I called the store and was told that I would have to pay off the lay a way, return every item that was on sale, wait for them to return it to the shelves, when and if they had a chance to do so, re- buy it at the sale price, and take my chances that that item would be available. I can not believe that this is the policy, and if indeed it is then I suggest that you update you customer service policy. I have been a card member for years with your store, but if this is truly the case I will go and return the entire order, not to re-buy it at the sale price, but to re-purchase elsewhere, and will no longer be using my card, or shopping at your store. I have had lay a ways @ Walmart, and when you go in to pick it up, they automatically give you the current sale prices for any item that is on sale. This is a policy that you should adopt for better customer satisfaction.

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