David Brandon – I have always been a very faithful customer of Toys R Us, but after reading

j. Krinsky sent a message to David Brandon that said:

I have always been a very faithful customer of Toys R Us, but after reading the following, I will be bringing my business else ware.

Toys \'R\' Us Joins Companies Giving Away US Jobs
By Michael Reagan
Breitbart News uncovered a particularly flagrant example of H–1B visa abuse at Toys “R” Us. The story is particularly timely in the wake of the exchange between Donald Trump and Marco Rubio at the CNBC inquisition.
Rubio wants to greatly expand usage of the H–1B visa program that ostensibly brings in foreign workers to do jobs Americans are not qualified to perform. Rubio justifies his support with the rationalization that if there are abuses, those companies shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the program.

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