David Brandon – Mr. Brandon: I am contacting you in hopes that you will resolve a customer service

Barbara Antioch sent a message to David Brandon that said:

Mr. Brandon: I am contacting you in hopes that you will resolve a customer service situation I encountered at your Southgate, MI store. I have a grandson soon to be 2 years old and have spent unimaginable $ in this store (both for him and for my own 2 children in years past). Just this week I bought a picnic table, cozy coupe and then ordered a $200 play house on 4/20/16. The night after I ordered the playhouse I received an e-mail coupon for your friends and family promotion beginning 4/22/16. I contacted the store and spoke to the Assistant Manager, Molly, and asked that I be allowed to apply the 20% coupon to the house purchase. She said absolutely not because I didn\'t purchase it between the dates of the offer. I have not even received the house yet and I was very unhappy about her reply. I asked to speak to the store manager, she said they had quit, I asked for her boss and she said she didn\'t have one that she was in charge. I work for a local Mayor and I absolutely told her everyone has a boss. She said if she gave the message to her district manager he would tell her to call me and he would never call me back and she could not give me his name or number. What kind of business are they running there????? All I want is 20% off of the house that I just purchased, which again hasn\'t even arrived yet. Anything you could do to help would be appreciated. I definitely have a very bad view of the Southgate Toys R Us Management Team. Thank you for your time.

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