Joseph Prieur sent a message to David Brandon that said:
Subject: Needless TOYSRUS Firings & Layoffs – Completely Wrong, Unfair & Immoral!
1. Enough is enough, Mr David Brandon!
2. Employees of your store chain are being let go (fired) and replaced with other people based solely on the premise that they did not reach a specific target set for them with respect to their having sold X number of Buyer Protection Plans (BPPs). Their supervisors are also being penalized financially because of their store\'s poor performance in this respect, and they either receive less or no added pay incentive increases or bonuses at year\'s end, which they look forward to eagerly.
3. You already know that the greater majority of these people earn minimum wage which, as you and I both know, is not enough for a person to live on, at least to raise a family or live in a decent, safe part of town. This job is all they have, and it is being taken away from them for such selfish ends as MONEY and PROFIT!!!
4. Now, I want you to read and listen very carefully. My next letter/e-mail (prepared and all I need to do is push the SEND button on my computer) will be to several individuals or bodies, all of whom are very influential and are easily capable of making exceedingly bad publicity for your company and for you yourself as its head honcho, Mr. Brandon.
5. You have exactly three (3) days from the date of this e-mail (until Friday, 24 June 2016) to STOP this ILLEGAL, IMMORAL and TERRIBLY WRONG PRACTICE by issuing a press release and a clear and concise written statement to all managers of your stores across Canada and the US. I want to see an electronic copy by sending me a reply with a scanned copy (PDF) version of these two documents to my e-mail address.
6. Please do not make the mistake of calling me out, taking me for a fool or calling my bluff, as I have written before to and brought down low many Goliaths, including Members of Parliament, Mayors of Cities, Ministers & Deputy Ministers of Canadian Federal Government organizations and Vice Presidents and CEOs of private companies regarding issues which are, in some instances, much larger and in others much less intense than this one.
7. For starters, I have backing me a petition with a little over hundred (100) signatures, which I can make grow very easily. Secondly, many of those who have been fired have expressed an obvious keen interest and desire to be interviewed by a media press agent of a major influential newspaper, whom I know very well, because they are pissed off about the unfairness of having been laid off for such a lame excuse. Some of these people have not been able to find other employment since their dismissal and are either receiving employment insurance (EI), and in extreme cases, others are depending on welfare to do their best to feed and care for their families.
8. Believe me when I say, that within a very short period, once this message and these testimonies get out, your store sales/profit will undoubtedly begin a slow but gradual and continuing decline, and your personal reputation will be tarnished, and in a worse case scenario ruined.
9. I have a short but powerful list of influential, high profile people to whom I will pass on this information, obviously with more proof to substantiate my claim and more personal testimonies to set up. Who those people/organizations are will not be disclosed, and hopefully I never have to send this information to them. If I do, the information will most assuredly not bode well for you or in the eyes of the general populace.
10. I hope to appeal to your sense of fairness, righteousness, good faith and sense of doing the right thing by your employees, who are the reason you can boast about sales and profits. Again, you pay them peanuts, which is an entirely other issue I will address later. I do sincerely hope I do not need to carry out what I have stated in this e-mail. You have three (3) days (i.e. by Friday, June 24th, 2016) to issue a press release and a very detailed and clear message to your store managers, both of which I wish to see, by sending me a reply with a scanned copy (PDF) version of this press release and statement to this e-mail address as proof that you have taken this issue seriously.
11. If you think my words are idle ones and need proof of my earlier claims, I will gladly provide your press/media department and you with e-copies of some of the letters I have written to and responses received back from Mayors, Members of Parliament, Ministers & Deputy Ministers of Canadian Federal Government organizations and Vice Presidents and CEOs of private companies.
12. I hope you read this e-mail in the spirit in which it is intended. I am not asking you to do something illegal or difficult. On the contrary, I am simply appealing to your sense of right and wrong, if you have a conscience...which I believe you do Mr. Brandon. And you most assuredly have the power and capability to do as I have written in paragraphs five (5) and ten (10) of this e-mail to rectify this unfair and completely wrong situation once and for all.