Dear Madam, Subject : I have lost a golden opportunity ( monopoly market with – Ho Ching email address

Debjit sent a message to Ho Ching CEO, Temasek Holdings – email address that said:

Dear Madam,

Subject : I have lost a golden opportunity ( monopoly market with huge profit, i.e ; minimum 100 crores per annum ) for not receiving your employee's feedback in time

Good afternoon.

At first, let me convey my best regards and then wishes to you on behalf of all the citizens in our country.

On 23rd October, 2015 I had sent a mail to Mrs. Khyati from my e mail id regarding my innovative business idea with necessary particulars.

But till date, I haven't yet received any feedback (yes/no) regarding my proposal. If her feedback was "No", then I must try to find out other investor. From my heart, I believe that Temasek is not only a financial institution, but also a satisfactory firm where each and every business idea is warmly accepted with care, utmost good faith and professionalism.

A few days before, the Govt.of India has declared that the Government is interested to deliver Gangal (water of River Ganga) through Indian Postal Service or using e-commerce platform to sell Gangajal. I had sent the mail to Mrs. Mankermi this same initiative. Because the river ( Ganga ) is treated as Holy river in India and there is a huge market to deliver pure and bacteria free ( after purification ) Gangajal not only in every corner in India but also to N.R.I around the world.

I have lost a golden oppotunity and also a lifetime chance to create history.

On 2nd June, 2016 I had also sent a message to Mrs. Mankermi via WhatsApp . But her responsibilty is only to read my message and then block my WhatsApp connected number

Why ?

I actually don't know.

That WhatsApp message is given below :

" You're now well informed that the Govt.of India is interested to to deliver Gangajal through Indian Postal Service/using e-commerce platform to sell Gangajal. Please read my last October's e-mail regarding this same initiative. I'm grateful to inform you that I\m living in future with my innovative business ideas. At that time, my request to you was to provide fund for my project. But till date, I haven't yet received any feedback ( yes/no) from you. Why, I actually don't know. If my proposal/business idea isn't matched with public's demand, then why the Govt.of India is interested to take same initiative ? I have lost a golden opportunity ( monopoly market with huge profit ) . If your reply was "No", then I must try to find out any other investor. Hope, 7 months is too enough to calculate the profitable part of any initiative/propisal made by world's one of the most popular firm Temasek. I'm waiting for your reply. Because, I had sent the mail with necessary particulars. Hope, you're kind co operative to tell me the actual fact for not responding regarding my proposal. Thank you."

In this connection, I would like to state that please suggest how can I overcome this unexpected situation where professionalism isnt delivered in time. To overcome monetary losses, I can share other three innovative ideas with you. But Im always living in the moment and learn from the past. Thats why, if you are interested to promote my initiatives in future, then I'll be the most satisfied person in this universe.

If you want to verify that particular mail ( which I had sent to Mrs. Mankermi on 23rd October,2015), then please inform. I'm ready to forward you that mail.

I'm waiting for your valuable suggestion to overcome this situation.

Thank you.
Have a good day.

Obligingly Yours,


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