Karen sent a message to Gerard M. Anderson - Chief Executive Officer of DTE Energy Company - Email Address that said:
Dear Mr. Anderson:
I am writing this email to you because of the frustration of dealing with the representatives of DTE. I know that your time is valuable, but I have a legitimate concern.
I have had a problem locating a home heating credit that was issued by The State of Michigan to DTE in my behalf. At the time is was issued my account had been closed, due to a move to temporary housing. I have been calling and making inquiries since May. Somehow DTE has lost that credit or it has been stolen. I have called and spoken with several people (about 8-10) since May to try and resolve the issue to no avail.
I keep getting the run around and dealing with employees who are misinformed or who perhaps are trying to hide something. Some have been cordial but without the knowledge of how to resolve my issue. I have been lied to and seemingly sent on wild goose chases , which has been very time consuming and very upsetting.
There are two things that I ask of you: First I pray that there is some way that credit can be found. Second, I would suggest that all reps would be given correct, up-to-date training, current knowledge and resource information including referral numbers, so that they can efficiently assist customers and resolve issues quickly. Besides the lies about return calls, I have been referred to non-working numbers (even right within the company) and been given erroneous information concerning the State of Michigan.
I hope that you or someone from your office would look into this problem and do what you can to resolve it for the customers of DTE. We are not perfect, but it is not fair for us to be deceived and shifted around from person to person like this.
In closing, that last rep I spoke to said she would get back to me. I am going to wait and see if she will follow through. So far, she is the one that gave me the best information, but others have me some that sounded good, but ended up being no help to me.
Hope you really read this and that you really care.
Thanks for your time if so.