Janice Ghebremariam sent a message to Dennis R. Glass President and Chief Executive Officer of Lincoln National Corporation Email Address that said:
Dear Mr. Glass:
I currently have short term disability via Lincoln Financial and my experience with it has been an emotional nightmare. On 12/4/2017 I was placed on Medical Leave. My employer, Herman Kittle Properties, forwarded the necessary paperwork over for processing to your company. All was well. The Neurosurgeon scheduled my surgery for 12/20/2017. This date was later changed to 12/30/2017 due to the hospital. In the Neurosurgeons initial submission he placed me on a 6-8 weeks timeframe to heal. Lincoln Financial was notified immediately. Shortly after being notified I received a letter in the mail stating that my claim would close on 12/29/17. I was deeply disturbed so I contacted the caseworker. I was told that it could be reopened pending receipt from me that the surgery had been performed. I informed the caseworker that there was a two (2) hour drive one way to the medical facility and I had no family who could assist me in this matter. I could not be without income. I got someone to fax over the information to me while I was in the Critical Care Unit. . Shortly thereafter I received payments . Every two weeks my file was closed because it was always something different. The first of February the Neurosurgeon sent over 29 pages of medical information regarding the brain tumor. He refused to allow me to return to work. I asked him to allow me to return in two weeks and his response again was no. I now understand why he said no. In February I was so emotionally spent when I received a check for one week I almost wanted to commit suicide. Everything had my back up against the wall. No one cared or even tried to explain to me why every two weeks they needed something else. Why was none of this asked for in the initial request. I have not been paid today for the time I was disabled because they alleged they never received the physician statement from 02/22/2018. I have cried, begged, pleaded, yelled and screamed to no avail. Enough is enough! I have written letters of complaint to the Insurance Commission in your states of operation and Louisiana, the U. S Attorney Generals office in the same states, the Better Business Bureau respectfully. No one should have to tolerate being treated this way. Your caseworkers has enhanced the hypertension I currently suffer from with each of the calls I have made to your company. For example I saw Dr. Guidry on 2/21/18 and my pressure was 122/80. I called your office to find out when my case would be reopened. I saw Dr. Koga on 2/22/18 and my pressure was 174/120. I was so upset the evening I spoke with your office I had to lie down for the remainder of that evening.
I live from paycheck to paycheck and this was a decrease in my true income. If it had been paid correctly my healing process would have gone much better. I pray no one has to go through with what I did. I currently have an attorney pro bono who will be assisting in this matter.