Dear Mr. House, I am writing to express my concerns about a recent incident I – Andrew House email address

Mohamed Mobarak sent a message to Andrew House President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. - email address that said:

Dear Mr. House,

I am writing to express my concerns about a recent incident I experienced with your PlayStation customer support London UK while inquiring about a temporarily suspension I had on my PSN account (go__mo0) on May 25th 2017 at 05:17 PM GMT
I would like to bring to your attention the fact that I received extremely poor customer service during my calls and I havent received a single reply to my emails I have sent to, I havent received a response to my tweets to @AskPlayStation, @AskPS_UK. Similarily I havent received any support of any kind on the forums the EU The U.S.

On May 24th 2017 I had a message activity with another user where I have reported him 6 times for improper\\indecent messages. To my surprise on May 25th 2017 I have received a temporarily suspension for a whole 30 days. I have called the customer service and I have mentioned that I have a screenshots for the message activities in question where Im positive that I havent breached any code of conduct and Im requesting a justification on why did I received that shocking suspension. The customer service agent told me that nothing he can do hence I have requested to speak to his superior. The agent informed me that he will arrange a call back from his Manager/Supervisor which I never received.

I hope to hear back from you about this incident soon. Please contact at your earliest convenience at +971508433491, or email me at
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
M. Mobarak

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