Dear Mr. McCann, How would you like to be the first flower company in the – James McCann email address

Mimi sent a message to James McCann – CEO, 1-800-FLOWERS – Email Address that said:

Dear Mr. McCann,
How would you like to be the first flower company in the world to offer an new funeral arrangement that starts at $500 and goes up depending on the flowers and complexity?
As a former social worker, I'm sure that you will appreciate the impact this product will have on society.
Green funeral is a growing trend and death rates and funeral costs are going up. This product will address the green and the cost. I am sure that there is a world wide market for this product.
I'm also sure that your floral arrangers will be excited to be more creative.
You can reach me. E mail would be better because I have a hard time staying on the phone due to a physical condition I have. I am also recovering from a brain tumor operation.

I hope to work with you because of your pioneer spirit.
Thank you for your time.

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