Dear Mr. Moonves.I would like to watch CBS Reality TV shows almost the whol – Leslie Moonves email address

Irena sent a message to Leslie Moonves President and CEO, CBS Corporation that said:

Dear Mr. Moonves.I would like to watch CBS Reality TV shows almost the whole day, specially "Judge Judy" is fascinating set, however, the amount of advertisement during the brodcasting of one show is unbearable large, interrupting the show tremendeously so watching the show is not poleasant with so many interruption. I do not understand who needs so many advertisement during one particular TV show. I do not understand why you do not organize the implementation of advertisement on TV shows as Viasat History does !!! Please, do change your manner for sake of us, your faitfull spectators. Have my sincere appreciation Irena , Prof of Physics in retirement, Zagreb, Croatia.

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