Dear Mr Ornstein. My daughter Kendra Land is a flight attendant with your airlines since – Jonathan Ornstein email address

jonathan land sent a message to Jonathan Ornstein Chairman and CEO, Mesa Air Group, Inc. - email address that said:

Dear Mr Ornstein. My daughter Kendra Land is a flight attendant with your airlines since November 2016. I am reaching out to try and help her, recently a computer error has her relocating to phoenix from dallas. apparently when she changed her first choice of phoenix at training to the second choice in dallas it did not stick, long story short she is now being forced to take a reserve schedule in phoenix and there is no she can afford to keep her apartment in dallas and try to do a reserve schedule in phoenix, I understand you are very busy and I do not know if you have children but as a dad I would love to see if there is anyway you could look into this for her, her only choice if it cant be fixed is to have to end her employment with Mesa, and this is not what she wants, this girl is 20 and graduated college with Bachelors degree at 19, she is one of the best people you will ever meet and a great asset to any company, if there was anyway for you to contact me I would love to tell you more, my name is Jonathan Land, I am a general manager of GM dealerships and understand if I never here from you, but everything I have read about you makes me feel that I may, my cell is 360-269-3402 if I could get any help I would appreciate it. Thank you very much for your time.

Jon Land

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