Dear Mr. Pratt, On Sunday, Dec 14 at 12:12 p.m., I ordered a Fender Black Top Stratocaster Electric Guitar – Mike Pratt emial address

Jack sent a message to Mike Pratt CEO, Guitar Center, Inc. that said:

Dear Mr. Pratt, On Sunday, Dec 14 at 12:12 p.m., I ordered a Fender Black Top Stratocaster Electric Guitar . This guitar was being purchased as a Christmas present for my eleven year old son. I decided to have the guitar shipped to the Roseville, Michigan store so I could pick it up. The web site mentioned it would take three to five business days. Later that day, I received an email stating that the guitar is on back order and that Guitar Center is working with the manufacturer on this issue. Within the email, it stated no specifics about when the product will be shipped but it thanked me for my patience. On Wednesday, I hadn’t heard anything from Guitar Center about my order. I decided to call your customer service. The sales agent informed me that the product would not be shipped until after Christmas. I explained to the agent that I would have not ordered the guitar if I knew this information from the start. I also explained to him that if I didn’t call on the order, I would never have found out about the details of my shipment. He said that the only option I had was to order a different guitar by today in order to receive it by Christmas. I am truly disappointed by the way the situation was handled. Due to the time table, I am left no other option but to wait for the guitar I ordered. In the future, I will have to consider taking my business elsewhere.  Very unfortunate, Jack

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