Dear Mr Rodriguez, I have used ADP for the past year, however the group of – Carlos A Rodriguez email address

Kathy Meinig sent a message to Carlos A. Rodriguez - President and Chief Executive Officer of Automatic Data Processing, LLC. - Email Address that said:

Dear Mr Rodriguez,
I have used ADP for the past year, however the group of physicians that my husband works with has decided to band together and use a central billing and payroll company. For this reason I am no longer in need of your services and will be canceling. I did want to give thanks to the people in your organization who were so helpful to me during the past year, in particular Cindy Cordova who handled the training and Kate Maroder (sp?) who was so helpful one weekend when I desperately needed some guidance. These two people went out of their way to be of assistance and did so with patience, professionalism and proficiency. I appreciated not only their expertise but their ability to transfer that information to me. You are lucky to have them on your staff. Please forward my expression of great gratitude to them.
Kathy Meinig
Eastern Slopes Orthopaedics

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