Dear Mr Sorenson.. As a wedding present to my daughter and son in law- I – Arne M Sorenson email address

DEBORAH KELLY sent a message to Arne M. Sorenson President and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International, Inc. Email Address that said:

Dear Mr Sorenson.. As a wedding present to my daughter and son in law- I booked them into the Ritz Carlton on the upper east side Central Park for Jan 12 and jan 13 2018 .. the reservation is under my daughter s name kelly daly i am legally blind and disabled and going through chemo so this was a huge expense for me .. i am in Florida and my doctors forbade me to attend the wedding First i was promised an early check in of 1pm for kelly rather than 3 pm .. when i called to verify again the day before i got a very nasty snooty young lady saying this was not possible and if it was i would be paying a premium .. very nasty Secondly i was promised as a wedding present kelly would receive the three plush robes and the three slippers from the ritz as a gift from the hotel on her marriage..this did not happen either .. while i am very disappointed in the condescending attitude of the staff i encountered i trust at least you will honor the gifts of the robes and slippers i am on a very limited income and this was very expensive kellys address is kelly daly 26 west street apt 4t Brooklyn new York 11222 i do trust you will mail her the robes and slippers as promised...i look forward to your email reply .. i have no patience for speaking on the phone to yet more snooty staff and i am too ill to deal with it.. thank u

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