Dear Mr. Van ,We have a mortgage with Citizens One, we’ve had our property – Saun Bruce W Van email address

William and Judith sent a message to Saun Bruce W Van – Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Bank RBS Citizens – Email Address that said:

Dear Mr. Van,

We have a mortgage with Citizens One, we've had our property for over 14 years, and this is our first Mortgage since our home loan modification in 2015:

We've received 4 annual escrow disclosure statements since Citizens One took our mortgage. We pay all our payments meticulously. We've always paid our own taxes until this home loan modification began. Our payment already increased because of Citizens' errors.

Citizens One did not pay our taxes on time since receiving our loan. They are due Nov 10th of every year. I called Citizens the day before taxes were due, Nov 10, 2016, because our tax collector called us, noticing it was not paid. I called Citizens, and the rep responded, "don't worry, we'll pay the late fees." They paid the balance on 11/14/16.

Our town assesses penalties and interest daily. Now our "delinquent tax collector" is assessing more penalties, with a warrant attached letter for the present $57.96 interest! This will accrue more.

I've been on hold for over 70 minutes for assistance from Citizens, with no help. I called another number and was put on hold again....

Your rep just connected, and told me to write or fax Citizens One with my request to pay our own taxes.

Considering the embarrassment to us, in this small town of Vermont, we are requesting to pay our own taxes hereafter.

I am sending my request today, and if needed, please assist me in this request being honored. Please give back what we've paid in taxes after 11/10/16 of this year.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. We appreciate your cooperation in turning this around.


Bill Judith

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