Dee sent a message to Laura J. Alber Director, President, and CEO, Williams-Sonoma that said:
Dear Ms. Alber,
Last night, my husband and I were shopping at the Williams Sonoma in Orland Park, Illinois.
We love your store. Our kitchen has many quality items that were purchased from your store.
We had a laundry list of items we wanted to purchase - new cookware, mine is so worn and other items.
Ms. Alber, we were going to speak to the representative at the counter, for some advice. When we approached the counter, there was a couple - two women - kissing and making out - right in front of the clerk. We stood there for a moment hoping that the clerk would say something or step away and assist us. But she didn't and they kept right on with their display and I mean it was vulgar. I always considered Williams Sonoma a family store. We wound up walking out. We didn't buy anything. My husband was very upset as was I. I would just think that the manager would be able to find some way to end the prolonged display. I saw a woman with a small child exit the store right after us. I am thinking it was for the same reason.