Dear Ms Fraser I am working with my father, Robert J Beasley to get him a – Jane Fraser email address

Karen Merrill sent a message to Jane Fraser CEO, CitiMortgage - email address that said:

Dear Ms Fraser
I am working with my father, Robert J Beasley to get him a new loan/refinance cash out . My mother Ramona E Beasley recently past away in March 2017.
We recently paid his loan #1122975968 off. The escrow was due to close and fund Jan 31, 2017. Loan papers were signed on Jan 26, 2017. Due to an error with the Escrow Company the loan was not funded until Feb 2. The Jan payment was included in this payment. We were unaware of this until my father recently applied for a loan with B of A. You can see from past history with Citmortgage that they always paid on time and never had any payments. Due to this recent late payoff, my father cannot get a loan due to Citi mortgage reporting a 30 day late on his credit report. WOULD YOU PLEASE CONSIDER REMOVING THIS NEGATIVE MARK AGAINST MY FATHER ON A IMMEDIATE BASIS SS 545-52-0847 so he may get a new loan. He is having to move due to my mothers death. This is the ONLY thing creating him not to get a new loan!!! Any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

Karen (Beasley) Merrill
(805) 310-6600

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