Dear Sir, Firstly you complain by filling in your phone and form. In the first – Dieter Zetsche email address

sent a message to Dieter Zetsche CEO, Daimler AG – email address that said:

Dear Sir, Firstly you complain by filling in your phone and form. In the first 6, it is a matter of such a big company to be able to produce a solution even though I am right.   offered to repair our Mercedes vehicle in the event of a motor / turbo malfunction in the plate. We would like to give it back to us as if this car has never failed because it will cause us to lose value in our car. The return of Mercedes to us has been reflected in the loss of value due to the engine failure in our vehicle. Cinsten is not a good solution at all. If you are aware, you do not accept the product that you have signed up and guaranteed. Believe me, as a Mercedes customer I think I made a wrong car brand choice. Thank you for creating complaint communications to reach you. But I think it is very difficult to find a solution here. You have to choose the way of solving the events in the legal framework. I hope that you will not evaluate your last complaint as 6 other complaints, I think that you would like to give a last chance to translate your Mercedes brand look into positive. I look skeptical that you will move with fairness, but I hope I am wrong. Best regards.


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